
Theoretical research manuscript
Theoretical research manuscript

theoretical research manuscript

Gender-role conflict scale: College men’s fear of femininity. A multivariate model explaining men’s violence toward women. Pollack (Eds.) The new psychology of men (pp.

theoretical research manuscript

Fifteen years of theory and research on men’s gender role conflict: New paradigms for empirical research. (Eds.) 2nd Edition, Adult career development: Concepts, issues, and practices. Adult men’s career transitions and gender role themes. The Counseling Psychologist, 15 (1), 50-96. Dual-career couples’ career transitions and normative dilemmas: A preliminary assessment model. O’Neil, J.M., Fishman, D.M., & Kinsella-Shaw, M. The gender role journey measure (JRJM): Scale development and psychometric evaluations. Cook (Ed.) Women, relationships, and power: Implications for counseling. Abuses of power against women: Sexism, gender role conflict, and psychological violence. Journal of Mental Health Counseling 14, 305-324. Men’s gender role transitions over the life span: Transformations and fears of femininity. Wainrib (Ed.) Gender issues across the life cycle. Men’s and women’s gender role journeys: Metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation. O’Neil (Eds.) What causes men’s violence against women? Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage Publications. Men’s gender-role conflict, defense mechanism, and self-protective defensive strategies: Explaining men’s violence against women from a gender-role socialization perspective. Andronico (Ed.) Men in groups: Insights, interventions, psychoeducational work. The gender role journey workshop: Exploring sexism and gender role conflict in a coeducational setting. Symposium conducted at the 100th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Levant (Chair), Toward a new psychology of men. Gender role conflict research: New directions to understand men’s violence. Alexandria, VA: American Association for Counseling and Development. Leafgren (Eds.) Men in conflict: Problem solving strategies and interventions. Levy (Eds.), Men in transition: Changing male roles, theory, and therapy. Gender role conflict and strain in men’s lives: Implications for psychiatrists, psychologists, and other human service providers. Males sex-role conflict, sexism, and masculinity: Implications for men, women, and the counseling psychologist. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 60, 203-210. Patterns of gender role conflict and strain: Sexism and fear of femininity in men’s lives. Hansen (Eds.), New York: Oxford University Press. In Oxford Handbook of Counseling Psychology, E. Journal of Counseling and Development, 68, 381-387. Sex, gender role, and the process of psychotherapy: Theory and research. The social class-related experiences of men: Integrating theory and practice. A theoretical model to explain the over representation of college men among campus judicial offenders: Implications for campus administrators. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 3, 270-283. Sex role identity, androgyny, and sex role transcendence: A sex role strain analysis.


Post-Vietnam gender role strain: A needed concept? Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 21, 18-25. Journal of Men’s Studies, 6, 55-68.īrooks, G.R. The fear of the feminine in the western psyche and the masculine task of disidentification: Their effect on the development of masculine gender role conflict. American Psychologist, 58, 5-14.īlazina, C. Men masculinity, and the context of help seeking. Published Theoretical Manuscripts Related to Gender Role ConflictĪddis, M.E.

  • Resources for Teaching the Psychology of Men.
  • Receiving the GRCS and GRJM, Teaching the Psychology of Men.
  • International Researchers Using the GRCS.
  • Institutions where the GRCS has been Used.
  • theoretical research manuscript

  • Authors, Samples & Measures with 200 GRC Guides.
  • Classification of Dependent Variables & Constructs.
  • Dependent Variables & Who Has Used the GRCS.
  • Future GRC Hypotheses and Contextual Research Models.
  • Convergent & Divergent Validity of the GRCS Samples.
  • Internal Consistency & Reliability for 20 Diverse Samples.
  • Psychometrics, Future Hypotheses & New Contextual Research Models.
  • GRC and College Student Development Paradigm.
  • Clinical, Therapeutic & Programmatic Aspects.
  • Summary of Masculinity Ideology & GRC Research.
  • Symposia & Theoretical Papers Presented at APA Conventions.
  • APA Symposia, Theoretical Papers & Empirical Summaries.
  • Empirical Research Papers Presented at APA Conventions.
  • theoretical research manuscript

    Men’s Gender Role Conflict: Psychological Costs, Consequences, and an Agenda for Change.Background and History of GRC Construct.Recent Journal Publications& Dissertations Using the GRCS.

    Theoretical research manuscript